Documentation and tutorials
This project is maintained by stephenc29
Once you have your node-red server started and the browser pointing at it correctly, you should have a screen looking something like this:
On the left-hand side is the palette, which has a list of different types of nodes you can choose to combine to make your flow (which is what node-red calls a program). You put them in the workspace for the flow (the big area in the middle, currently blank) by clicking and dragging them from the palette. Each node can have inputs and/or outputs. Inputs are on the left-hand side of the box and outputs are on the right-hand side, marked with a small rounded rectangle. Messages are passed from the output of one node to the input of another node by connecting them with wires. Our first example is going to have two nodes and one wire as follows:
node and a debug
node into the workspaceinject
node to the input of the
node by clicking on the output and dragging to the input (or
anywhere on that node)Now your workspace should contain nodes looking like this:
So far you have edited your program but it isn’t doing anything yet. At this stage the program you have written is held inside the web browser but you need to transfer it to the node-red server so that it runs and actually does stuff. This process is called deployment and you do it by clicking on the “Deploy” button near the top right hand corner which looks something like this:
If that works your program is running on the server. Every time you make a change to the program by adding or removing nodes or wires you have to deploy it again (redeploy it).
Now if you click on the larger rounded rectangle on the left hand side
of the inject
node (which is now called timestamp
) then the server
will send a message on to all the nodes connected to its output, which
in this case is the debug
node (which is now called
). The debug node works by taking any input messages it
receives and prints them in the debug
tab in the right-hand
sidebar. The output it shows is something like this:
If you click on the inject button again then a new message will appear in the debug window.
There are at least three mysteries in what we have looked at so far:
node change its name to timestamp
node change its name to msg.payload
?The first two questions we can answer at once. The most important
number in the debug tab is the payload of the message i.e. its content, which appears in blue. Each time you
send a new message a different payload will be produced. This payload
is generated by the inject
node when it is clicked, and is a measure
of the current time (to be precise, it is the number of milliseconds
since the 1st January 1970). However, you can change the inject
to send a different payload instead. You do this by configuring the
node, through double-clicking on the node and using this dialogue box
Different types of payload can be selected. By default it gives
timestamp but if you change this to string (which is a string of
characters i.e. some text) you can select what text you want to
send. This could be something friendly like “hello”. Save this with
the “Done” button and redeploy your program. Now the title of the
node has changed and your message can be
seen when you click on the left-hand side of it.
You can probably now guess what the solution is to the third mystery by
looking at the configuration of the debug node. At the moment it
outputs msg.payload
so change that to complete msg object
, redeploy
and inject some more messages to see what the output looks like. Now
you should have something like this (once you have clicked on the
little triangle to expand the text)
Just in case you hadn’t already worked it out, msg
is short for
message, so msg.payload
is the payload of the message. That is shown
by the text payload: "hello"
. There is also something called
which is a unique identifier for the message (usually
ignored) and something written topic: ""
. The quotation marks start
and finish with nothing in between, so this is what is called an empty
string. The topic is used to say what the message is about, but is
often left empty. If you go back and change the configuration of the
node you can add a topic
, maybe to something like
. By redeploying and injecting some more messages you should
see the topic being displayed.
In the object msg
we have three properties, which are _msgid
and payload
. Messages can have as many properties as you
want, as long as each property has a different name. These properties
can also have different types. Originally the payload was a number
representing the time, now it is a string representing a greeting. If
you have built a flow that isn’t doing what you’re expecting you can
use a debug
node anywhere to find out what messages are being
passed around between your nodes.
Next we are going use some other types of node specially designed for making music.